This page lists words that begin with S, along with their point values in popular word games like Words With Friends and Scrabble. The longest and best-scoring words starting with S are listed first. Select your game and click a word to make sure it’s legal to play. After looking at words beginning with S, you may want to check out words that end in S or words containing S.
If you’re playing NYTimes’ Wordle, try our Wordle solver. To up your Wordle game, read about the best starting words for Wordle.
“S” is the 19th letter in the modern English alphabet. There are more words in the English language beginning with the letter S than with any other letter. This is because of clusters such as sc, sh, sp, and st. The letter initially originated as a Phoenician symbol and later got adopted by the Greeks as the letter sigma (Σ).
If you enjoy playing word games, you'll be glad to know that the letter S can avail you a significant advantage in these games. From “so” to “syncytiotrophoblasts,” there is an array of S words in the English language. A broad vocabulary is the key to acing such games, and thus it's essential to have a sizable word list in your mind — including words that start with S.
Some games like crosswords or Word Cookies follow a gameplay pattern in which they assign no special value to distinct letters, and each letter essentially counts towards a common adjective in a uniform manner.
However, when it comes to games where there is more than one player, it gets challenging. Tile-based games like Scrabble by Hasbro Inc. and Zynga's Words With Friends are concerned with precise placement of letter tiles. Each tile has a different point value, and depending on which slot on the board it is positioned on, you may also receive different bonus multipliers. Consequently, in these games, some letters are much more valuable than others — especially S, which can transform many different words into plurals for easy points.
When it comes to competitive word related games, it's essential that you have a vast vocabulary. Moreover, knowledge of a rare collection of words will instantly increase your chances of winning. Although there are many common words that start with S, learning the rare ones can help you to bring your A game to these games.
Scrabble mostly features word lengths ranging from 4 to 8 letters long, so it's fine if you keep your search for newer words within the aforementioned length range. To ease the process for you, we have compiled a list of relatively rare words that start with S and fall in this range:
Still have some lingering questions about words that start with S? Here are some answers for the most commonly made queries regarding S words on the internet.
Since English is an internationally spoken language, you've probably heard these words more than once. However, different parts of the world have their own native expressions and dialects, so common words in one region may not be used as frequently in another.
Some of the most common words that begin with the letter S in the English language are salt, so, save, sun, and sale.
Knowledge of words beginning with every letter counts in such games. Your chances of winning are determined by the number of words you can instantaneously recall. Therefore, it's essential that you are aware of as many words as possible including the ones that start with S.
Bingo is a wonderful bonus in games like Scrabble. If you're able to play all seven of your tiles in a single round, you can bag up a whopping 50 points. Your knowledge of as many 7 letter S words is crucial if you want to pull off a Bingo.
To help you out, we have made a short list of 7-letter Bingos that start with S:
Teaching kids newer words through games is a fantastic way and it keeps them engaged while also enhancing their fundamental skills like problem solving, memorization, concentration etc.
Let's take a look at some words that start with S for kids to learn:
There are many methods for expanding your vocabulary. Reading a book is one of the most traditional and common methods. Additionally, you could also only use a dictionary if you don't want to read through entire paragraphs.
However, modern technology has made the aforementioned tasks even simpler for you with various word-related tools available online. The word finder is by far the most effective in helping you access a rich selection of words within a matter of seconds. If you want to find words that start with S, all you have to do is enter the letter, and you’ll have an entire list of S words.
Additionally, these tools can be modified to meet your needs. You can choose the word length, the start letter, the end letter, and even the type of dictionary to view results from. Regardless of whether you are in the United States, England, or anywhere else in the world, you can access multiple dictionaries, including those specifically created for certain word games.
These tools are especially useful when you have letter combinations that are difficult to use. Furthermore, without a word search guide, making words on rounds where you only have consonants or vowels on your tray can be extremely challenging. To add some extra competition to the game, you can also give the tool to your opponent in order to enhance their skill level.
Moreover, you can now look for words on the go, because these tools are also available as apps. The best part is, these tools are absolutely free, and you don’t even have to sign up.
Enter up to 15 letters and up to 3 wildcards (? or space)
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