Words That End In
You can use up to 3 wildcards (? or space)
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Finding specific words that end with certain letters can be challenging as our brain gives more focus to letters that start a word rather than end one. Even though there are words that end with each and every letter of the alphabet, some will be more frequent at the end of words than others.
For word games, some words can be more significant than others. Games such as Wordscapes, Word Cookies, and crossword puzzles predetermine what words you'll have to come up with so you don't have to worry about the placement of letters. However, things are different on tile-based games such as Words with Friends by Zynga and Scrabble by Hasbro Inc.
When you decide to play tile-based word games, you need to place each tile strategically to score higher than your opponents. Different letters are valued differently depending on which game you're playing, and you get bonuses from certain spaces on the board. Therefore, you must remember as many words as possible to get the best out of your hand.
Whether it's a word ending in V or one starting with X, you need to know them all and build long word lists in your head.
Some letters are more commonly found at the end of words than others, such as S, E, and D. On the opposite end of the spectrum, words ending with J, Q, and V are the rarest to find. However, due to their uncommonness, these characters have significantly higher point values than the common ones. For example, V is worth 4 points in Scrabble, J 8 points, and Q a whopping 10 points.
Words that end with J, Q, and V are rarely used in everyday speech, and therefore hard to recall during these games. Therefore, for your convenience, we have compiled some Scrabble words that end with these rarities.
There are only eight words in total that end with J. These words are as follows:
V isn't worth as much as J and Q, but is a notoriously difficult letter for ending words. Some the three and four-letter words ending with V are as follows:
There are only three five-character words, five six-character words, and one seven-letter word that ends with V.
Words ending with Q are just as rare as the two previous entries. Only ten words end with Q and they aren't too high scoring either. Nevertheless, you should memorize those words as they really come in handy when you need to offload that potentially pesky letter.
There are plenty of words that end with certain letter combinations, including popular suffixes. These combinations are easy to remember, so when you get these letters, you might want to exercise some rack balance. Many of these also give you some solid points if placed well. Let's take a look at some of these combinations.
Words ending with CK are pretty common, with hundreds of words ending in -ack, -eck, -ick, -ock, and -uck. Since smaller words ending with CK are quite common, here are some longer, eight letter words that will be useful for Scrabble and Words with Friends:
Some other, smaller words ending with CK are as follows:
Words that end with this combination are very easy to find, but it doesn't hurt to know some more. Some relatively tricky eight letter words that end with these letters are:
You will also find small words such as:
Plentiful, Beautiful, Bashful, etc — there are many words ending with -ful that we use on a daily basis. The largest of these is that you can fit on a Scrabble board is Dessertspoonful. Here are a few more:
A lot of words ending with -end are either six letters in length or longer, which means they'll get you a Bingo on both Scrabble or Words With Friends. There are short words such as vend, bend, fend, blend, and upend, medium-length words such as: expend, extend, backend, commend, and compend, and long words such as backbend, coextend, vilipend, befriend, dividend, forefend, misspend, reoffend, etc. Here are a few more:
Words ending with -how are somewhat uncommon, but very useful to know should you stumble upon those letters. Some examples of words that end with -how are:
Our capacity to memorize and recall words is limited, and the search for the right words can be time-consuming. It's not always possible to find words ending with a specific letter in a dictionary as the dictionary will sort words according to alphabetical order from the beginning, not the end.
This is why online word finder tools have become all the rage these days. Instead of going to a dictionary website from a random link on a search engine and going through page after page of words, you can alternatively use a word search tool to speed things up. These can help you find any word you need, giving you the chance to search by first letter, suffix, and even number of characters according to how much space you have on the board.
This we can save time and get you an invaluable advantage in word games, and you don't even have to sign in to the site. Make things less tough on yourself and learn words faster from a site specialized for the purpose.